Greetings from the monk Buddhisaro
Aloha and Dharma greetings from the monk Buddhisaro here. I’ve been studying and practicing the Buddha’s teachings for 15 years now. It’s been a real learning adventure in exploring ever-deeper dimensions and potentials of the human heart & mind. Indeed transformational discoveries of liberating freedom and wellbeing await the whole-hearted aspirant. I’m happy sharing my enthusiasm with any and all likewise aspiring for liberating freedom and well-being.
On February 11th, 2017, while out for a morning drive with my friend David we happened upon the Inn at Kulaniapia Falls. As synchronicity would have it, they had recently installed a large Buddha statue in their exotic bamboo garden. Amid the story telling, we were kindly escorted to view the statue.
It is immediately impressing–the serene beauty of the large dark-stoned Buddha, poised as it were afront the stunning waterfalls and rugged rocky river below, guarded in sanctuary by giant bamboos. The Buddha is depicted in the beloved “Earth-Witness” mudra, representing the moment of his enlightenment. Ahhh…the peaceful presence of Buddha and awe-inspiring Nature indeed !
So in feeling a potential significance here, it was offered to return the following day to perform the Buddha Blessing consecration ceremony. Others from the larger Kulaniapia community were also in attendance. For many it was their first interpersonal connection with Buddhist protocol and the new statue, named “Flying Buddha.”
The consecration ceremony itself is a gesture of intent and respect for the Buddha Dharma–teachings for realizing liberating freedom, awakening our hearts & minds to real well-being. This river-side bamboo garden has been designated as the “Flying Buddha Sanctuary.”
The Sanctuary is an altruistic safe-space for meditation and reflecting. Where all Inn guests are welcome to open, explore and awaken their whole being–to “fly-free” as it were. Communing in harmony with inner & outer nature. For deepening liberating wisdom and compassion–aspiring for the welfare of all beings !
I was happy to meet the Inn at Kulaniapia Falls community on this uplifting Buddha-Blessing occasion and participate in this way. We intend on continuing partnership to explore integrating “whole-being wellness retreat” programs into the Inn curriculum. May your experience in “Flying Buddha Sanctuary” be inspiring, joyful and peaceful !
Wishing all health, happiness and prospering–blessings please be for real well-being.
Mahalo metta from Buddhisaro