Kulaniapia means "Heavenly Strength" in Hawaiian, and has always touched individuals in deeply personal ways, from our community of stewards to our honored guests. Lost for over 50 years, Kulaniapia Falls was rediscovered in the 1990's when our founder purchased a piece of land, sight unseen, that was being liquidated by a large sugar company. Years of commercial farming allowed the jungle to reclaim the view, and eventually the memory, of Kulaniapia Falls as the canyon became overgrown and forgotten.
If you can imagine the overwhelming sense of shock and awe that struck Lenny when he first encountered the Falls after bushwhacking his way down cliffs, into the canyon and up the river, you may begin to understand what inspires us to dedicate ourselves as stewards, and the duty we feel to create a sustainable way for our guests to experience one of our islands greatest natural treasures.
Lenny has nurtured and grown the Kulaniapia community over the years, and it now spans 42+ acres, two adjacent properties, and three businesses operated by an overlapping set of partners that collaborate to design and deliver deeply personal, sustainable, and unique experiences for our shared guests.